The Alopecia Justice League is thrilled to spotlight an alopecia documentary recently released featuring our member, Grace Duhs. This documentary, made by Grace's uncle, has been months in the making. Grace, a junior in California, has had alopecia since she was seven years old. With the support of her family, she is determined to raise greater awareness of the condition, which impacts more than 6.7 million Americans.
Many people fail to understand the psychological burdens alopecia poses. It can be challenging to embrace hair loss in a world where hair is strongly associated with beauty and feminity. Thus, through the documentary and other efforts, Grace and the Alopecia Justice League strive to dismantle the hair loss stigma. Overall, very few documentaries raising awareness for this condition exist. This media form is especially significant because it offers the perspective of individuals living with the condition. Make sure to watch the documentary, which is available on Youtube!